
        Susan Marqusee
        Susan Marqusee M.D. Ph.D.
        Principal Investigator
        marqusee at berkeley dot edu
        Vrishab Aravind
        Undergraduate Researcher
        vrishabaravind at berkeley dot edu
        Amir Bitran Ph.D.
        Jane Coffin Childs Fellow
        amirbitran at berkeley dot edu
        Eva Gerber
        Eva Gerber
        Graduate Student
        Berkeley BioEnginuity Fellow
        eva.gerber at berkeley dot edu 
Susan Marqusee
        Lynn Gu
        Undergraduate Researcher
        lynn dot gu at berkeley dot edu
        Darren Kahan
        Darren Kahan
        Graduate Student
        ALS Fellow in Residence 
        darrenkahan at berkeley dot edu
        JeongHoon Kim
        rrlawjdgns at berkeley dot edu
Naomi Latorraca

        Naomi Latorraca Ph.D.
        Miller Fellow
        naomi.latorraca at berkeley dot edu

        Brendan Maguire Ph.D.
        Lab Manager
        brendancmaguire at berkeley dot edu

        Joshua Morse
        Undergraduate researcher
        joshuamorse at berkeley dot edu
        Mark Petersen
        Mark Petersen Ph.D.
        mjp1089 at berkeley dot edu
        Sophie Shoemaker
        Sophie Shoemaker Ph.D.
        sophie.shoemaker at berkeley dot edu
       Jay Yeung
        Jay Yeung
        Undergraduate researcher
        jayyeung at berkeley dot edu
Alumni/Previous Members

Rachel Bernstein (Editor, Science/AAAS)
Eric Bolin (Research Scientist, Audentes Therapeutics)
Gregory Bowman (Associate Professor, Washington University in St. Louis)
Emma Carroll (Assistant Professor, San Jose State University)
Jason Cellitti (post doctoral fellow, Burnham Institute)
Aaron Chamberlain (Pfizer)
April Chen (Former Undergraduate Student Researcher)
Zhijie Chen (Lead Scientist, Discovery Biology - BridgeBio)
John Chodera (Assistant Professor, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
Katelyn Connell (Post doctoral fellow, UC Berkeley)
Shawn Costello (Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford)
John Dabora (Zorphion Therapeutics) 
Natalie Dall (Postdoctoral Fellow, Genentech)
Jesse Dill (Scientist, Refactored Materials, Inc)
Phillip Elms (Scientist, BioRAD)
Kael Fisher (Assistant Professor University of Utah School of Medicine)
Jen Fostel (Staff, Broad Institute)
Tanya Freedman (Post doctoral fellow UCSF)
Eric Goedken (Senior Scientist Abbott Laboratories)
Emily Guinn (Assistant Professor, Depauw University)
Kambiz Hamadani (Assistant Professor, Cal State San Marcos)
Kathryn Hart (Research Scientist, Washington University in St. Louis)
Helen T. Hobbs (Postdoc, UC Irvine)
Julie Hollien (Assistant Professor University of Utah)
Geoff Horner (Post doctoral fellow, NGM)
Zahidul Islam (Biochemistry Scientist, Coherus Biosciences)
Bharat Jagannathan (Scientist, Amgen)
Madeleine Jensen (Senior Project Manager, Atomwise)
James Keck (Associate Professor University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Gunther Kern (Scientist, Astra Zeneca)
Diana Koulechova (Post doctoral fellow, Stanford)
Sanosh Kumar (Professor, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India)
Samuel Leachman (Postdoc, Netherlands)
Tina Li (Graduate Student, Princeton)
Shion An Lim (Senior Scientist, Genentech)
Johanna Lindner (Previous postdoc)
Manuel Llinas (Associate Professor, Princeton University)
Megan Luo (UCLA)
James Martin (Teacher, Tilden Preparatory School)
Carol Mendonça (Lab manager, Creixell Lab, University of Cambridge)
Erik Miller (Scientist, Pacific Biosciences)
Katherine Miller (McKinsey)
Tram Nguyen (former grad student)
Eric Nicholson (Scientist, USDA, Ames Iowa)
Charlotte Nixon (Scientist II - FibroGen)
Chiwook Park (Associate Professor, Purdue University)
Martin Parker (Assistant Professor, Leeds University)
Diego Quiroga Roger (Postdoctoral Fellow, Wilson Lab, Chile)
Tanya Raschke (Computing Information Systems Analyst-Bio-X Stanford University)
Kathleen Ratcliff (AAAS Fellow at the US Dept of Energy)
Haley Richards (Undergraduate Student, Dartmouth College)
Srebrenka Robic (Assistant Professor Agnes Scott College)
Carol Rohl (Merck)
Sabriya Rosemond (Postdoctoral fellow, UC Berkeley Stacy Group and Biology Scholars Program)
Laura Rosen (Postdoctoral fellow, UCSF) 
Sam Sabaat (Octant Bio)
Avi Samelson (Postdoctoral fellow, UCSF)
Thea Klarsø Schulze (Graduate Student, University of Copenhagen)
Elizabeth (Beth) Shank (Faculty at UMass Medical School)
Alan Shaw (Senior Scientist, Quantapore)
Mia Shin (Graduate Student, Scripps)
Giulietta Spudich (Outreach Project Leader European Bioinformatics Institute)
Jamie Stankiewiz (Former Undergraduate Student)
Katie Tripp (Staff, Johns Hopkins University)
Ha Truong (Senior Scientist, Atomwise)
Isabella Vivona (Northwestern)
Sara Volz (Postdoctoral Fellow, Rocklin Lab, Northwestern)
Diane Wiener (Scientist, Intrexon)
David Wildes (Staff Scientist, Genencor)
Christian Wilson (Professor, Chile)
Roseanne Wincek (Associate, Cannon Partners)
Tracy Young (Merck Research Labs)
Franklin Yu (Former Undergraduate Student)
Ivan (Vanya) Zheludev (Graduate Student, Stanford University)